The series will introduce us to charismatic Detective Inspector Alex Ridley, who is retiring from the police after years of dedicated service. Ridley’s replacement is DI Carol Farman (Bronagh Waugh), his former protégée whom Ridley mentored for many years. 

When he's enlisted by Carol as a police consultant on a complex and compelling murder case, the investigation takes a dark and unexpected turn. Turning to her old mentor for support, Carol is keen to access Ridley’s unique insight into crime-solving which has served them so well in the past. With more intriguing cases to solve, Ridley will revive his formidable and successful partnership with Carol.  

Inspired by real life retired detectives re-joining police forces in a consultancy role given increasingly over-stretched resources, Ridley will explore thought provoking crime stories in an original and distinctive way.

Ridley is written and created by Paul Matthew Thompson, one of the lead writers of ITV’s iconic detective drama, Vera, and co-created by Jonathan Fisher (Blood, Hollington Drive, Penance), Managing Director of West Road Pictures. Both will act as Executive Producers alongside Ingrid Goodwin. It is a West Road Pictures Production for ITV in association with All3Media International.