Blood is a family-centred psychological thriller set in Ireland, starring Adrian Dunbar (Line of Duty). It is created and written by Sophie Petzal (The Last Kingdom, Riviera). The second series is produced by West Road Pictures in association with Element Pictures and All3Media International.

Blood was commissioned by Virgin Media Television in Ireland, with Channel 5 as the UK broadcaster, and streaming service Acorn TV and its development arm Acorn Media Enterprises as co producer for English language territories ANZ/UK, Eire, US and Canada.

Blood premiered in October 2018 on Virgin Media Television in Ireland, outperforming the channel’s slot average share by 43%.

Series two opens with catastrophe as Jim, stripped of his medical license, returns from abroad to find his family in conflict. Tensions are rife and trouble is brewing, leading to a horrendous tragedy, the cause and origins of which will be pieced together as the series progresses. As in series one, however, Blood is more than a thrilling mystery, it’s a story about truth and perspective, how our understanding of events and people can colour our beliefs, and how love – and grief – can so often blind us to reality.